The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) logo in the lobby of CIA Headquarters (AFP Photo / Saul Loeb)
Egyptian cleric Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, also known as Abu Omar, shows letters of well wishes from his supporters from around the world during a Reuters interview in his house in Alexandria, Egypt May 13, 2008 (Reuters / Stringer)Human rights activists praise decision
Italian prosecutor Armando Spataro (L) speaks to the court on November 4, 2009 at a Milan's court at the end of the trial of 26 US secret agents in the 2003 abduction of a terror suspect, Osama Mustafa Hassan, an imam better known as Abu Omar, from a Milan street (AFP Photo / Giuseppe Cacace)
Drugged, Kidnapped and then tortured while falsely imprisoned would carry a LIFE IN PRISON sentence in Texas any day of the week.
It's a travesty of World Justice to only sentence those men to 7 yrs in prison.
The Italian and Global nations should file similar suits and criminal charges on behalf of their citizens who were drugged, kidnapped and then taken to a secret CIA torture prison where they were falsely imprisoned and tortured.
The Italian and Global nations should widen the list of defendants to include ranking USA Officials who would have been responsible for those subordinate actions such as the USA President and Vice President, Secretary of State Rice, Rumsfield, Penneta among others.
IF USA doesn't turn over those defendants, Global Courts should sanction, deinvest and boycott USA Goods and Services.
Iraq is attempting to have a former Vice President brought to trial who is being hid in Turkey by the Zionist corrupted USA Gov. Iraq should respond by immediately cutting off all natural gas and oil pipeline flowing from Iraq to Turkey, cut all imports from Turkey until Turkey turns over that Vice President which multiple witness's allege helped USA death squads target Shiia Iraqi officials inside Iraq.
If Italy lacks the courage to put some real teeth in the conviction of 22 CIA (1 wasn't a CIA agent) agents, their section chiefs, the CIA director, VP and USA President who are their bosses and would have given the green light on those illegal actions, other world nations courts SHOULD. With much longer prison sentences, with red flagged Interpol International Warrant Orders (USA has signed the Interpol treaty to abide by such) AND expand the defendants to include the bosses of those 22 CIA agents as noted above.
The World and Global Nations are WAKING-UP to realize the horrors and atrocity’s which become serial and routine IF they do not charge Israel and USA with criminal behaviour as it happens. The stakes moving forward are very large as the Satanically evil Zionists leading Israel/USA to destroy long standing International Laws, Conventions and Treatys by Global Nations inactions when Israel breaks them.
Try in Absentia, Issue Interpol Red Flag International Warrants, Throw those Israeli Officials into Prison, do the same with USA Officials that ordered and enabled the mass torture of global citizens in secret CIA torture prisons.